3 P's in a Vine Review

Tucked away in the outskirts of small-town Athens, Texas is a family-owned and operated vineyard called 3 P’s in a Vine. On the day of our visit, we arrived a little before opening and were greeted by owner Brett Priestley, who invited us to explore the premises, have a look around, and then come on inside. We took a stroll through the vines and ogled the sweet baby blossoms that were just starting to flower, snapped a couple pictures of the barn, and sat down for a lovely tasting filled with generous pours and friendly conversation.

Pretty sure we tasted everything they offered, starting with the Off-Dry and the Porch Swing, both of which keep you coming back for more -  I think the first thing I said after sipping the Off-Dry was, I could drink this all day.  It was fresh and crisp and not overly sweet, and as I tend to be a self-proclaimed red drinker, the very idea that I could enjoy a white so much surprised me a little.  The Porch Swing was an easy drinker with just a hint of sweet, a light finish, and a soft nose. Chardonnay came next, the 2017 a little more crisp and acidic than the 2018 that was slow to start but satisfied at the finish.  We decided that perhaps we could be white-wine drinkers after all and ended up buying some white here to take home. 

I will say that the reds stole the show, though. They started us with the Queen P, a sweet, jammy red that followed the whites nicely.  For sweet red drinkers, this is absolutely the way to go!  And then they brought out the big guns - Cab Franc and Tempranillo, both excellent in their own right.  The 2016 Cab Franc had a delicious bouquet and was rich in the nose, velvety in the mouth, and finished with hints of vanilla up front and rich, dark cherry on the back of the tongue.  It was reminiscent of a campfire at the end, smoky and smooth, and the highlight of my tasting.  

We finished with the 2016 Tempranillo Reserve, which couldn´t have disappointed if it wanted to.  When first poured, it smelled of light fruit, but the longer it aerated and sat, the richer it tasted, and after a few swirls around the glass and some conversation with Rae, one of the 3 Ps, we went back for more of that Temp and it had opened up quite nicely. It managed to be light and rich at the same time, with delicious dark berry flavors at the end. And for the record, each of us left with a bottle of this Temp Reserve, and we got to keep our glasses because, and I quote, ¨[they] don´t like to do dishes!¨ 

Aside from the delicious wine and abundant snack offering - we had the hummus dish and some charcuterie - what incredible, friendly service.  Rae was amazing. She spent time talking with us about the history of the vineyard, the grapes, and the family history, and then she took us on a tour of their new building.  It wasn´t quite complete yet, but she took us inside anyway, pointing here and there and explaining what was coming, and even going so far as to show us some old windows that had been taken from her mother´s house after a tree had fallen on it. 

Before we left, Rae showed us the lovely, somewhat secluded upstairs room in the tasting building and told us all about their special offerings, some monthly, others seasonal. For example, a couple times a month, they hold a BYOM tasting event with a live fire: 3 Pś provides sides and wine, guests provide the meat.  Prior to Covid, they were gearing up to have an Adult Easter Egg Hunt, and it sounded like this sort of event was about par for the course. 

In all, this was a great experience.  Delicious wine, yummy snacks, easy conversation, friendly service - Texas hospitality at its very best.  Can't wait to go back and try the next vintages!

Cheers, y'all!


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