Dry Comal Creek Vineyards and Winery

Every year, I take a trip to Canyon Lake with a group of friends I've known since college. We float the river and eat and drink and have ourselves a grand time.  But sometimes it rains and we get to go to a winery and taste all the things - as was the case this summer!  Though I've been to this winery before and they were out of the Black Spaniard from a few years ago, this summer's offerings were wonderful and well worth the second visit.  

The facility is beautiful.  Not only will you drive through some rolling hills with gorgeous greens on your way in, but as you turn into the facility, it's a sweet drive up through the vines.  The main house was closed this time because of COVID, but we sat on the huge porch around some barrels and had a private tasting with the Level 1 Somm on staff.  Then, we sat at one of many picnic tables and enjoyed a couple bottles of our favorites.  The huge trees make for some wonderful shade, and there are fire pits with surrounding adirondack chairs where you can sit and visit to your heart's content. Typically they offer some small bites and snacks, but given the restrictions, the kitchen was closed, but they allowed us to bring some snacks! 

The tastings are divided into sweet wines and dry wines, so I went with the latter, sampling two whites and three reds.  The Albarino was the clear winner for me of the whites.  It was fresh and full, presenting with a light pear and citrus at the finish.  From there, we moved to the reds, which I really enjoyed. 

First up, the Tempranillo.  These grapes grow so well in Texas, so it's no wonder the Temp is a crowd-pleaser.  Dry Comal's Temp was light and dry, with hints of blackberry and even a little cherry at the finish.  Smooth and easy to enjoy - so much so that we had a bottle after we finished our tasting!

The 2018 Montepulciano, which is 100% pure, was meaty and rich and presented with deep berries in the nose and a full, dry finish.  Immediately I wanted a hearty steak to accompany this full-bodied goodness. 

We finished our tasting with the 2018 Cotes de Comal, a hearty blend that was a little musty in the nose and sat heavy on the tongue before finishing full and lingering a while.  Rich in deep berries at the start, the second and third tastes felt a little heavier and really opened up to the dark berry notes and even a deep chocolate at the end.  Definitely upsetting that I couldn't buy a bottle of this one - it's exclusive to Wine Club Members! 

All in all, this was an excellent tasting experience and a definite perk for New Braunfels.  Having been to Dry Comal Creek before, I knew it would be a fun spot for us to gather and visit, and it certainly didn't disappoint.  They took our reservation readily and welcomed us when we arrived with smiles and Texas hospitality, and it's safe to say we'll go back there again - rain or shine.  I hope you'll visit, too!

Cheers, y'all!


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